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Create an Asp.Net MVC Application. The application is a simple online store which allows users browsing through a catalog of shirts, mugs, and other items in a below given format.

Create an Asp.Net MVC Application. The application is a simple online store which allows users browsing through a catalog of shirts, mugs, and other items in a below given format. In this article i will provide you the Core L1 assignment solution. In this question we have to create an Core MVC application code for online store which allows users browsing through a catalog of shirts, mugs, and other items | core L1 assignment. After creating a new ASP.Net Core Web Application, there will be many folders as shown in the below image. You can also see that the code is successfully compiled without any error. Here is the C# code for the Index.cshtml. Index.cshtml code @* ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page"; *@ <html> <head> </head> <body> <div class="background"> <div class="mainbox"> <div class="mainbox1"> <div style=&

Create an ASP.Net Core MVC application to populate a dropdown list. An application consists of model, view and controller.The controller will be responsible for selecting a view to be displayed to the user and provide necessary data model to retrieve and display data into the dropdown list. NO database will be used.

Create an ASP.Net Core MVC application to populate a dropdown list. An application consists of model, view and controller.The controller will be responsible for selecting a view to be displayed to the user and provide necessary data model to retrieve and display data into the dropdown list. NO database will be used. Below is the desired output In this article i will provide you the Core L1 assignment solution. In this question we have to create an ASP.Net Core MVC app dropdown list for selecting a view to display the user necessary data into the dropdown list | core L1 assignment  After creating a new ASP.Net Core Web Application, there will be many folders as shown in the below image. You can also see that the code is successfully compiled without any error. Here is the C# code for the HomeController.cs  . HomeController.cs using Asp.net_Exercise_1.Models; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using System; using System.Collections.Gen