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Complete Full Stack Developer Roadmap [With Resources To Learn + Jobs]

Complete FullStack Developer Roadmap

Becoming a full-stack developer involves mastering both front-end and back-end development technologies, as well as understanding how to work with databases, version control systems, deployment, and more. Here's a comprehensive roadmap to guide you on your journey to becoming a full-stack developer:

[With Resources To Learn + Jobs]

Step 1 → Learn HTML CSS and JS

Step 2 → Learn Git and GitHub

Step 3 → Learn Frontend Frameworks [React Recommended]

Step 4 → Learn Nodejs - Python

Step 5 → Learn Backend Frameworks

Step 6 → Learn Database

Step 7 → Build Full Stack Projects

Step 8 → Host Your Project [AWS]

Step 9 → Apply for Jobs🚀

[Build Projects After Each Step]

[Free Resources At the End] [Learning And Job Hunting]

1. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


- Basic syntax and rules 

- Semantic HTML 

- Forms and validations 

- Embedding media 

- Accessibility standards


- Basic styling properties (color, font size, background, etc.) 

- Box model 

- Positioning and display properties 

- CSS Grid and Flexbox 

- Responsive design and Media Queries 

- CSS Variables 

- Transitions and Animations


- Basics (variables, data types, operators, functions, loops, conditionals) 

- ES6 features (let & const, arrow functions, classes, modules, destructuring, template strings) 

- Asynchronous JS (Promises, async/await) 

- Fetch API / AJAX 


- Error handling and debugging 

- DOM Manipulation 

- Event handling

2. Learn Git and GitHub 


- Setting up a repository 

- Git lifecycle (add, commit, push, pull) 

- Branching and merging 

- Handling merge conflicts 

- Git log  


- Creating a repository 

- Pull requests 

- Forking a repository 

- GitHub Pages for hosting

3. Learn Frontend Framework/Library 

[Learn any one] 


- JSX 

- Components (Functional and Class) 

- State and Props 

- Lifecycle methods 

- Hooks 

- Routing with react-router-dom 

- Context API and Redux for state management  


- Vue instance and Vue CLI 

- Vue components and directives 

- Vue Router 

- Vuex for state management  


- TypeScript basics 

- Components and Modules 

- Services and Dependency Injection 

- Routing 

- Forms 

- HTTPClient 

- RxJS and Observables

4. Advanced JavaScript & TypeScript 

- Understanding prototypes and prototypical inheritance 

- Deep dive into 'this' keyword 

- Closures 

- Webpack and Babel 

- Design patterns in JavaScript 

- Basics of TypeScript

5. Learn Backend Language/Framework 


- Understanding the event loop 

- Building a server with Express.js 

- Handling different types of requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) 

- Middleware 

- Error handling 

- Authentication and Authorization  


- Python basics 

- Setting up a server with Flask/Django 

- Models and migrations 

- Django/Flask views and templates 

- Django/Flask forms 

- User Authentication

6. Learn Database Technology 

SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.)


- Joins 

- Normalization 

- Indexing and query optimization  

NoSQL (MongoDB)

- Document databases 

- Collections and documents 

- Basic CRUD operations

7. Learn Authentication 

- Sessions and Cookies 

- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) 

- OAuth 2.0 

- Passport.js (if using Node.js)

8. Learn Caching Strategies 

- Importance of caching 

- In-memory databases (Redis) 

- Browser caching

9. Learn about Testing [optional] 

- Unit Testing 

- Integration Testing 

- End-to-End Testing 

- Tools: Jest, Mocha, Chai, etc.

10. Understand DevOps Principles 

- Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes 

- Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) 

- Understanding cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)

11. Build Full Stack Projects 

- Idea generation and selection 

- Design and prototyping 

- Implementing frontend and backend 

- Database design and integration 

- Testing 

- Deployment

12. Host Your Project 

- Introduction to cloud hosting platforms 

- Configuring and deploying applications 

- Setting up a custom domain 

- Enforcing HTTPS 

- Continuous deployment from GitHub

13. Learn about Microservices and Serverless Architecture (optional) 

- Understanding the concept of microservices 

- Serverless computing basics 

- AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, or Azure Functions

14. Apply for Jobs 

[This shouldn't be step 14, you should always look for opportunities and make connections!]

- Resume building 

- Technical interview preparation 

- LeetCode, HackerRank, and other coding challenges 

- Networking on LinkedIn and Twitter

Resources You Can Use 👇🏻 

- FreeCodeCamp [Youtube] [FREE] you can find all the tutorials you need to learn full stack   

- Udemy [Paid] You can follow courses on Udemy to build projects. [Code Along can be a great practice]  

- Hashnode & Dev .to [FREE] Read and Write Blogs on the technologies.  

- Also you can take the 100DaysOfCode challenge and share your progress here. And do share and comment this blog if you like it.


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