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Biomolecules Handwritten Notes | Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 14| Biomolecules Notes for Board Exams | STAR tube Notes

Biomolecules Handwritten Notes | Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 14| Biomolecules Notes for Board Exams | STAR tube Notes Unit 14 Biomolecules Biomolecules Higher Secondary is the most crucial stage of school education because at this juncture specialized discipline   based, content  ‐oriented courses are introduced. Students reach this stage after 10 years of general   education and opt for Chemistry with a purpose of pursuing their career in basic sciences or professional courses like medicine, engineering, technology and study courses in applied areas of science and technology   at tertiary level. Therefore, there is a need to provide learners with sufficient conceptual background of   Chemistry, which will make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses   after the senior secondary stage. STAR tube will provide you the Best Handwritten Notes of Class 11 , Class 12 , Btech/Bsc Electrical and Electronics. Follow and Subscribe the STAR tube on  YouTu

IAS Success Story: स्टेशन पर यात्रियों के बैग उठाया करते थे श्रीनाथ, जानिए कुली से IAS बनने तक का सफर

IAS Success Story: स्टेशन पर यात्रियों के बैग उठाया करते थे श्रीनाथ, जानिए कुली से IAS बनने तक का सफर उनकी कड़ी मेहनत ने उन्हें केरल लोक सेवा आयोग (केपीएससी) की लिखित परीक्षा पास करने के लिए प्रेरित किया IAS Success Stories : संघ लोक सेवा आयोग (Union Public Service Commission) की परीक्षाओं को भारत में सबसे कठिन परीक्षाओं में से एक माना जाता है, केवल इसलिए कि बड़ी संख्या में उम्मीदवार सिविल सेवक बनने का लक्ष्य रखते हैं. जहां कई उम्मीदवार कोचिंग सेंटर और किताबों का सहारा लेते हैं, वहीं केरल के एक कुली श्रीनाथ (Coolie Sreenath) ने सिर्फ वाईफाई कनेक्शन का उपयोग करके परीक्षा पास की. श्रीनाथ मुन्नार के मूल निवासी हैं, जिन्होंने अपने परिवार का पालन-पोषण करने के लिए एर्नाकुलम में कुली के रूप में काम किया. अपने परिवार के एकमात्र कमाने वाले श्रीनाथ रेलवे स्टेशन पर यात्रियों के बैग और सामान ले जाने के अपने काम के प्रति बेहद समर्पित थे. पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारी के कारण कुली की नौकरी जारी रखी बहुत सारी पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों वाले एक युवा पिता अपनी एक साल की बेटी के भविष्य क

IAS इंटरव्यू में पूछा गया सवाल : पूछा सवाल , जिस्म का कौनसा हिस्सा सबसे ज्यादा गरम रहता है ? क्या आप इसका जवाब दे सकते हैं? जानिए इसका जवाब

IAS इंटरव्यू में पूछा गया सवाल : पूछा सवाल , जिस्म का कौनसा हिस्सा सबसे ज्यादा गरम रहता है ? क्या आप इसका जवाब दे सकते हैं? जानिए इसका जवाब हमारे देश में हर साल आईएएस की परीक्षा कंडक्ट करायी जाती है और ये परीक्षा हमारे देश की सबसे कठिन परीक्षाओं में से एक मानी जाती है और आईएएस की परीक्षा पास करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत और अच्छी नॉलेज की जरूत पड़ती है| हमारे देश के अधिकतर नौजवान आईएएस अधिकारी बनने का सपना देखते है और आईएएस की परीक्षा हमारे देश की सबसे कठिन परीक्षाओं में से एक मानी  जाती है और इस परीक्षा  में हर साल लाखों उम्मीदवार अपनी किस्मत आजमाते है  पर इस परीक्षा को क्लियर करना बेहद ही मुश्किल माना जाता है  और आईएएस की परीक्षा को पास करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत और हर सब्जेक्ट में अच्छी नॉलेज होने की बहुत जरूरत होती है और ये परीक्षा तीन चरणों में कंडक्ट करायी जाती  है जिसमे लिखित के साथ साथ एक इंटरव्यू राउंड होता है | Click & Subscribe लिखित परीक्षा  पास करने के बाद उम्मीदवार को इंटरव्यू राउंड से  गुजरना पड़ता है और आईएएस परीक्षा के इंटरव्यू में उम्मीदवार से काफी पेचीदे सवाल पूछे जाते है जिसका

Alternating Current Handwritten Notes | Physics Class 12 Chapter 7 | Alternating Current Notes for Board Exams | STAR tube Notes

Alternating Current Handwritten Notes | Physics Class 12 Chapter 7 | Alternating Current Notes for Board Exams | STAR tube Notes Chapter 7 Alternating Current Alternating Current Notes Higher Secondary is the most crucial stage of school education because at this juncture specialized discipline   based, content  ‐oriented courses are introduced. Students reach this stage after 10 years of general   education and opt for Chemistry/Physics with a purpose of pursuing their career in basic sciences or professional   courses like medicine, engineering, technology and study courses in applied areas of science and technology   at tertiary level. Therefore, there is a need to provide learners with sufficient conceptual background of   Chemistry/Physics, which will make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses   after the senior secondary stage. STAR tube will provide you the Best Handwritten Notes of Class 11 , Class 12 , Btech/Bsc Electrical and Electronics.

Electromagnetic Induction Handwritten Notes | Physics Class 12 Chapter 6 | Electromagnetic Induction Notes for Board Exams | STAR tube Notes

Electromagnetic Induction Handwritten Notes | Physics Class 12 Chapter 6 | Electromagnetic Induction Notes for Board Exams | STAR tube Notes Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction Electromagnetic Induction Full Chapter Notes Higher Secondary is the most crucial stage of school education because at this juncture specialized discipline   based, content  ‐oriented courses are introduced. Students reach this stage after 10 years of general   education and opt for Chemistry/Physics with a purpose of pursuing their career in basic sciences or professional   courses like medicine, engineering, technology and study courses in applied areas of science and technology   at tertiary level. Therefore, there is a need to provide learners with sufficient conceptual background of   Chemistry/Physics, which will make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses   after the senior secondary stage. STAR tube will provide you the Best Handwritten Notes of Class 11 , Class 12 , B

Diffusion | Semiconductor Fabrication | Btech/Bsc Electrical and Electronics Best Handwritten Notes

Diffusion | Semiconductor Fabrication | Btech/Bsc Electrical and Electronics Best Handwritten Notes Are you looking for handwritten notes which are easy and simple to understand.Then you are on the right place because here you would get handwritten notes which are very easy to understand. It's not possible to cover whole syllabus and revise it during exam time because you have to revise lots of subjects in very less time. In this case,notes are one of the best option to cover whole syllabus in very short period of time. Diffusion | Semiconductor Fabrication Diffusion | Semiconductor Fabrication Notes STAR tube will provide you the Best Handwritten Notes of Class 11 , Class 12 , Btech/Bsc Electrical and Electronics. Follow and Subscribe the STAR tube on  YouTube . Notes Preview/Topics Covered: ◆ Diffusion     ● Predeposition     ● Drive-in ◆ Basic Diffusion Process     ● Diffusion Equation     ● Diffusion Profiles     ● Evaluation of Diffused Layers ◆ Extrinsic Diffusion    

Silicon Oxidation | Semiconductor Fabrication | Btech/Bsc Electrical and Electronics Best Handwritten Notes

Silicon Oxidation | Semiconductor Fabrication | Btech/Bsc Electrical and Electronics Best Handwritten Notes Are you looking for handwritten notes which are easy and simple to understand.Then you are on the right place because here you would get handwritten notes which are very easy to understand. It's not possible to cover whole syllabus and revise it during exam time because you have to revise lots of subjects in very less time. In this case,notes are one of the best option to cover whole syllabus in very short period of time. Silicon Oxidation | Semiconductor Fabrication Silicon Oxidation | Semiconductor Fabrication Notes STAR tube will provide you the Best Handwritten Notes of Class 11 , Class 12 , Btech/Bsc Electrical and Electronics. Follow and Subscribe the STAR tube on  YouTube . Notes Preview/Topics Covered: ◆ Use of Oxidation in IC Fabrication ◆ Thermal Oxidation Process ◆ Kinetics of Growth ◆ Linear Rate Constant     ● Temperature Dependence     ● Orientation Dependence ◆

Magnetism and Matter Handwritten Notes | Physics Class 12 Chapter 5 | Magnetism and Matter Notes for Board Exams | STAR tube Notes

Magnetism and Matter Handwritten Notes | Physics Class 12 Chapter 5 | Magnetism and Matter Notes for Board Exams | STAR tube Notes Chapter 5 Magnetism and Matter Magnetism and Matter Handwritten Notes Higher Secondary is the most crucial stage of school education because at this juncture specialized discipline   based, content  ‐oriented courses are introduced. Students reach this stage after 10 years of general   education and opt for Chemistry/Physics with a purpose of pursuing their career in basic sciences or professional   courses like medicine, engineering, technology and study courses in applied areas of science and technology   at tertiary level. Therefore, there is a need to provide learners with sufficient conceptual background of   Chemistry/Physics, which will make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses   after the senior secondary stage. STAR tube will provide you the Best Handwritten Notes of Class 11 , Class 12 , Btech/Bsc Electrical a